Make a personal injury claim

Online Injury Claim makes the claim process simple, unbiased and secure so you can claim for injuries hassle free. Remember you have a freedom of choice to instruct any law firm or government body.

Online Injury Claim will take you through a simple step-by-step process.

You can make a claim if:

  • you are aged 18 or over
  • the accident happened in England or Wales
  • you believe the accident was not your fault

How it works

1. Start your claim

We’ll ask you about your claim, including:

  • where and when the accident happened
  • injuries you have as a result

2. Investigation

After you’ve submitted your claim, Online Injury Claim will pass this to the insurance company of the person you believe was responsible.

3. Medical

You will need an appointment with a medical expert, who will assess your injury or injuries and write a medical report. Online Injury Claim will help you arrange this.

4. Offer

Once we have resolved who was responsible for the accident and have provided evidence of your losses or injuries, you should be offered compensation for your claim, which you can choose to accept or challenge.

5. Close claim

After you have accepted any offer, the compensator will contact you to arrange payment. You'll be able to check the progress of your claim via email and we'll also notify you when there are any updates.

Make a Claim

Further Information

Guide to Making a Claim can be requested via email. This Guide explains some of the key legal terms and procedures used by Online Injury Claim as described in the legislation that underpins the service. You do not need this Guide to progress a claim and you should only need to refer to the appropriate sections as required.

Click to see how much you could be entitled to with our 30 second free calculator.

Online Injury Claim

Had an accident and it wasn’t your fault, you may be able to claim compensation using the Online Injury Claim service for free.